Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rev 18:10-20: Globalization of Terrorism

Rev 18:10-20

Globalization of Terrorism

Alas, alas, the great city, Babylon, the mighty city! For in one hour your judgment has come (10).

Alexander Hislophas in his book, The Two Babylons, refers to the Babel of Genesis and the Babylon of Revelation. In the book of theRevelation, “Babylon the Great " appears as the originator of all the evil and falsehood and the attempt to gain earthly honour by means of religion, economics and politics is denounced as "Mystery Babylon" which inevitably invites its own destruction.

The dominant powers today tend to support globalization as a way to increase the ambit of their influence, expand trade and gain economic advantage, co-opt new citizens and possibly show the advantages of their own pax. The advocates of globalization are generally not sensitive to the way it affects the less privileged majority of the world and less concerned about how their mercantile policies and designs of empire building. This in turn generates violent reaction to global market strategies invites resistance in the form of global terrorism, which threatens the world with destruction. The terrorists all over the world are mainly targeting economic centres of power and the book of Revelation anticipates such a danger as a consequence of unbridled business passions.

● Lord, give us the wisdom to change the things we can change.

● ●Terrorism is the bye-product of marginalization and poverty, and marginalization and poverty the products of globalization.

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