Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pentecost: Together to the Truth

Acts 2:12-21

Pentecost: Together to the Truth

…I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh… (v.17)
Through the prophet Joel (2:28-32), God has promised all people freedom in spirit. According to Peter that promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, the last day of Jewish festival of atonement a time when all injustices are supposed to be rectified (Deut. 15). The miracle of Pentecost highlights the church's multicultural and multilingual character. In reversal to the confusion in Babel in Pentecost people experience cultural and linguistic freedom as well as a unity of spirit that transcends age, gender, religion or social status (Acts 2; 3:32-35; 10: 44-48). Luther says, all Christians are Spirit-enabled to bear witness to "knowledge of God through Christ which the Holy Spirit kindles and makes to burn through the word of the gospel." The spirit gives new life, new insights, and new power to recreate, to challenge the existing order of society as well as individual life
We live in the time of the Spirit's life-giving presence freely available to all who seek. God's call to the human race through the gospel is a call to change- change in its parts, and change in its totality.

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